Quinoa Mushroom Burgers, Roasted Vegetable Salad with Shallot Vinaigrette, and Strawberry Basil Blast from EVERYDAY DETOX by Megan Gilmore

Most diets and cleanses have all-or-nothing rules that encourage unhealthy cycles of intense restriction followed by inevitable bingeing. In Everyday Detox: 100 Easy Recipes to Remove Toxins, Promote Gut Health, and Lose Weight Naturally , nutritionist and blogger Megan Gilmore shares 100 delicious, properly combined recipes that will leave you feeling satisfied and well nourished while promoting weight loss and improving digestion and sleep. Continue reading

Fettuccine with Corn Crema and Charred Green Onions, and Squid Ink Linguine with Uni and Crab, from MASTERING PASTA by Marc Vetri and David Joachim

Award-winning chef Marc Vetri wanted to write his first book about pasta. Instead, he wrote two other acclaimed cookbooks and continued researching pasta for ten more years. Now, the respected master of Italian cuisine finally shares his vast knowledge of pasta, gnocchi, and risotto in this inspiring, informative primer featuring expert tips and techniques, and more than 100 recipes. Continue reading

Delicious Vintage Cocktails Named in Honor of Movie Stars

by Meredith Brody

I adore the now-not-so-recent revival in exquisite cocktails.  My heart leaps when I pick up an exciting cocktail menu, often divided into two lists: classic cocktails, and innovative ones created by the resident mixologist.  I’m especially heartened by the use of fresh fruit and vegetables, whether juiced or muddled, and fragrant herbs and spices.

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Shaken & Stirred: The Root Cause of a Cinematic Winter

by Michael Cecconi

Seasons. The ones that dictate how tasty your tomato will be (best in late summer), how excited you are for skiing (winter, natch), and how much of your time will be given over to griping (spring and fall: I’m looking at you, daylight savings time). These seasons present the garden-to-glass mixologist with a varied palette from which to choose. And now, in the winter, there are few choices offered. In the face of such adversity it is good to dig deep (farming pun intended) and make the best of it, so here comes my beet cocktail, Root Cause.
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